The Super Simple Way to Make a Home Command Center (+17 Variations)

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There are a lot of challenges that come with parenthood, but one of the most stressful things is managing home life. There are so many tasks to juggle, and it feels like you never get caught up. That’s why a home command center is a must-have for my busy family.

Despite being a pretty organized person naturally, I used to really struggle with home management. I would either try to do too many things at once or forget about items until it was way past the time they needed to get done.

I always thought the hectic nature of my calendar would let up a bit as my kids grew. But, to my dismay, things got more complicated! Instead of random playdates I now had to manage a calendar filled with sporting events, holidays, teacher’s notes, permission slips, etc.

That’s when I knew it was time to put together a home command center!

Home command center with calendar

Why You Need a Command Center

This just goes to show that even self-proclaimed type As need to stop and reassess things from time to time.

How we organize things will often need to change. What worked last year may not cut it now. (Sometimes even just a couple of months ago.) Does that mean something was an organizing fail? Not at all. In fact, it’s normal to adapt how you organize as your family and circumstances change. 

Think about it. Kids change. Schedules change. Seasons change. How we organize will change too.

Give yourself a break and don’t be too hard on yourself. Pat yourself on the back for what you have organized. And when you have time (sometimes you have to make time because it’s almost always worth it), pinpoint that area that’s bugging you the most and go for it.

That doesn’t mean you have to tackle some elaborate DIY project. Heaven knows that’s not me. While I simply adore looking over those Pintastic DIY ideas, I’m not one to pull out the hammer and pound something together. I’d love to learn someday, but not today. If that’s you too, join the club! 

Today I’ve got an exciting easy not-DIY organizing idea for you. It’s the Simple Home Command Center

diy family schedule organizer

What is a home command center?

I know a “command center” sounds like some fancy, high-tech, expensive thing, but I promise it isn’t. It’s just a fun term for the spot where you keep your family’s schedule, bills, and other kinds of information you need to run your home.

This area keeps schedules, notes, homework, chores (I use ours as a place to display the rewards system for my chore sticks), and more in one central easy-to-use location. It’s the perfect solution for keeping busy households organized.

It can help organize all kinds of issues that come up daily in home life, from household tasks to school calendars and meal planning. The best part? You don’t need any specialized skills or expensive tools to create your own home command center!

hanging organizer as a family command center

What should be in a home command center?

Remember, this area is all about efficiency and organization for YOUR family. What my needs are may differ from yours. And, as you’ll see throughout this post, there’s no one exact way that works for everyone.

So, what should be included when creating the home command center? Here are some ideas to get you started as you put together your own command center:

(By the way, the command center pictured is no longer for sale – but the principles and basics work for any purchased or DIY command center!)


A calendar is pretty much a requirement for a family command center. My personal calendar is on my phone, but I handwrite out activities and events that involve the kids on our family command center calendar. 

household calendar with things written in

I chose to go with a printable PDF calendar from Etsy. My reasons? One – I am too lazy to handwrite a dry erase calendar each month. And two – I couldn’t find a regular calendar that would look right.

I LOVE my PDF calendar. I print out two months at a time and clip the sheets on with clothespins. And it’s so easy to use!

Coupons and Invitations

There are two smaller clear pockets on the left side. I use these pockets for holding coupons, Kohls’ cash (otherwise I forget to redeem them on the specified days), box tops, birthday party invites for the kids, etc. 

Want to learn more? Here’s how I keep my coupons organized.

clear pockets of hanging organizer

Chore Charts

Next are the kids’ chore charts. These are stored in another clear plastic full-sized pocket. We swap out the chore chart each day. This system works great for our family.

You can grab free printable chore charts here!

daily pick it up chore chart in pocket


The bottom of our handy organizer has four pockets. Because we have four kids, each child has their own pocket.

four fabric file holders with kids names labeled on each

These are their homework pockets. Basically, any paperwork they bring home from school goes into these pockets. And there’s a slot for labeling the pockets too, which is awesome. {I’m in love with labeling in case you haven’t noticed.}

organizer pockets used for permission slips and other school papers

The pockets aren’t huge enough to hold tons of paperwork, so I regularly sort through the pockets. Completed schoolwork goes into my “kids school bin” in my closet, as do newsletters etc. 

And that’s pretty much it for our simple family command center. Easy, right? 

Where should I keep my command center?

You don’t want your family command center off in a dark corner down the hallway. Your family needs to see it, so they’ll actually use it. 😉 For us, it hangs on the back of a centrally located closet door so it’s easily accessible for the whole family. 

Other potential locations include a home office, on the refrigerator, a mudroom or laundry room wall, the front of your pantry door – you get the idea!

How to Put Together a DIY Command Center

Now that you know the basics of what a home command center is and why you absolutely need one, let’s chat about how to build your own perfect version!

Don’t worry, by “build” I don’t mean literally. Who has time for that? (If you do, more power to you!) I’m talking about purchasing pieces that you can combine and put together to create your perfect DIY command center. Here are 17 ideas for you!

1. Chalkboard Calender

This is such a pretty family calendar. I love that it includes a monthly calendar for whole family events as well as a spot for chores or weekly events.

If you felt crafty, you could even get some chalkboard paint and try to recreate this one!

chalkboard calender

2. Rustic Wall Organizer

If your home’s decor leans more towards rustic, you’ll appreciate the aesthetics and function of this center. Those hooks are genius – the perfect place to hang keys.

gray wall organizer with cork board and dry erase side for family command center ideas

3. Whiteboard Organization Station

I am a huge fan of whiteboards! I especially appreciate that this center has a built-in area that will hold markers. No more chasing them down.

white wall organizer for family command center

4. Message Center for Families

If you have a narrow or awkward space, this set offers a lot of versatility. You can use the basket for school papers, bills, outgoing mail or any other important papers. The chalkboard is also magnetic and has a spot for chalk too.

a chalkboard, cork board and wall bin.

5. Fabric Hanging Pocket Organizer

Love pockets? Me too! This trendy fabric organizer can hold everything from glasses to keys and wallets. This would be a great spot to stash your recipe binder too. 😉

off white and gray fabric pocket organizers

6. Hanging File Holder

This is one of my favorite options! I love all the space those pockets can provide if you have a lot of paperwork. You can use it for file folders with bills, artwork, to do lists, etc.

black wall mounted file holder

7. Wall-Mounted Mail Organizer

This compact home command center can help you keep the clutter at bay. The chalkboard is great for quick reminders or shopping lists, while paper can be filed above.

blue rustic wall mounted organizer for a family command center

8. Cabinet Organizer for the Home

Prefer to keep things tucked away? This is the command center for you!

white wooden magnetic chalkboard cabinet

9. Wire File Holders for Family Command Center

This set is great for a kitchen command center. Get items off your countertops and into these pretty wire file holders!

10. Wall Mounted Wire Bins

Here’s another take on wire baskets. This one looks a bit more modern to me while the other is more rustic. Choose which fits your home best.

wire wall bins for a family command center idea

11. Over-The-Door Pocket Organizer

If you have a small space, turn the back of a door into a home command center! You can assign each of your family members a pocket, or simply give each pocket a function such as holding receipts, schoolwork, etc.

wall file holder with door hooks

12. Dry Erase Weekly Planner

This weekly planner is a great spot to keep your family calendar, as well as any activities or chores that need to get done.

dry erase planner with 5 markers

13. Family Planner Tear-Off Sheets

Prefer something more compact? These tear-off sheets have space for a weekly calendar, chores, and even a meal plan.

14. Wooden Organizer with Chalkboard Labels

This wooden center won’t take up too much space but can add plenty of function to your home!

white wooden wall organizer

15. Fabric Pinboard for Family Command Center

No command center is complete without a pinboard! Use this space to put up invitations, flyers, quick reminders, or even chore lists.

fabric pinboard organizer with cubbies

16. Hanging File Holder

This is another great option if you are overwhelmed with paperwork. Give a folder to each kid for their school work, and keep a section for your budget binder. There’s even room for pens and other accessories.

black file folders for family organization

Putting Together a Home Command Center

Last, but not least, here are a few examples of how you can combine elements to create a DIY command center.

DIY Back-To-School Command Center

A pretty pinboard with a calendar and a shelf are attractive and functional.

back to school command center for families

Hallway Family Command Center

This hallway command center is a bit more robust. It contains everything from 3 monthly calendars to a weekly one, chore lists, and uplifting quotes (this would be a great spot to hang your kids’ affirmations!).

DIY hallway family command center

Command Center Wall

I love how this family center also includes family photos. This is a nice blend of functional and pretty!

wall calendars and organization solutions in a home

So, there you have it. Everything you needed to know about home command centers and how to create the best one possible for your space. I’d love to hear what ideas you’re going to incorporate in your own home!

More Home Organization Ideas

The post The Super Simple Way to Make a Home Command Center (+17 Variations) appeared first on Living Well Mom.