News — TIPS

This week I’m back with another episode of “Seana’s Sampler.” In no particular order, here are some findings, thoughts, and discoveries that are making me smile

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I hope you’ll enjoy perusing this content and come away with something you like! Seana’s Sampler *     *     * Resource I’m Enjoying On the third Tuesday of the month, I co-host an online chat group called “Minimal Quest.” We gather for an hour on the third Tuesday of the month to discuss pursuing minimalism and a more organized lifestyle. Each month, three Professionals Organizers (including me) share facts, advice, and strategies for identifying and focusing on what matters most, while eliminating anything that distracts from it. This month, we will be talking about what to do with memorabilia that you...

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Cook Often? KonMari Your Spice Cabinet with THIS.

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How’s your spice cabinet looking? Need a new spice rack organizer? If you regularly cook, you know the struggle is real when it comes to finding a spice that’s hidden in the back of the cabinet somewhere. Even worse, when you spend more money on duplicates because you couldn’t find it the first time. Doh! 😓 Luckily, I’m sharing a few of my favorite kitchen organizing tools to tidy up those spice jars including my favorite spice rack organizer and jars! I have honestly reorganized my spices several times over the years, but this method is helping me STAY organized finally!...

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My kitchen tour, let’s take a sneak peak at my kitchen, where I take your through my kitchen.

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Right, kitchen tour was in the plans for more than a year now. When I renovated my kitchen early last year, I was so tempted to do a kitchen tour. But it took a lot of time for me to settle. Not a great organizer myself, so took help from Vj, especially for the storages. Since I am in Singapore, got most of the things in Ikea and online shopping. We don’t carry much from India, so tried to get as much as possible locally. I had plans to buy few more stuffs from India but this year since we...

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