News — Organizing

How to Organize Pots and Pans - Kitchen Cabinet Storage Idea

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s What's the most disorganized spot in your kitchen? In my own kitchen, it's the little space in our cabinet that holds our pots, pans, and pot lids. It's ridiculous because this storage area is one we access on a regular basis and yet I've managed to ignore this problem area for a very long time!  Since I'm not tackling any big diy projects at the moment, I decided to finally find a great solution to organizing pots and pans. Kitchen organization is a constant battle so perhaps you'll find these pots and pans cabinet storage ideas useful as well. ...

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This week I’m back with another episode of “Seana’s Sampler.” In no particular order, here are some findings, thoughts, and discoveries that are making me smile

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I hope you’ll enjoy perusing this content and come away with something you like! Seana’s Sampler *     *     * Resource I’m Enjoying On the third Tuesday of the month, I co-host an online chat group called “Minimal Quest.” We gather for an hour on the third Tuesday of the month to discuss pursuing minimalism and a more organized lifestyle. Each month, three Professionals Organizers (including me) share facts, advice, and strategies for identifying and focusing on what matters most, while eliminating anything that distracts from it. This month, we will be talking about what to do with memorabilia that you...

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