I recently shared a language and listening game with you with a lemon-and-lime theme. As you have your visuals printed, use them in a math warm up too!
Keep a small file box or organizer with all your versatile visuals ready to go in your small group teaching trolley or shelf. You can use them creatively for games, activities and engagement. Provide a similar collection in your students free-play area too.

This math warm up will provide an opportunity for your students to:
- count with 1:1 correspondence
- add within 20
- compare numbers to find greater than/less than
- see difference in numbers ready to learn subtraction
To play:
- students play in pairs - one is lemon, the other lime
- lemon rolls first and builds a set of counters to match
- take turns until both lemon-lime have had 2 rolls
- students then add to find their total
- encourage students to compare numbers and the larger number wins

- find more math warm ups here
- find more fruit themed resources and ideas here
- find the lemon and lime printable visuals here