6 of the Best Fridge Organization Tips + My Favorite Storage Bins!

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Time to do some fridge organization, plus see my favorite storage bins to maximize space!

woman organizing the fridge

How’s your fridge looking? Need any organizing tips?!

To be honest, fridge organization is something I struggle with daily simply because there is so much food coming and going as I work on recipes for Hip2Save.com, Hip2Keto.com, as well as my family’s personal stockpile of fresh food.

Having kids that snack a lot and don’t tend to keep foods organized is also a factor! LOL 😂

best fridge organization bins

Opening the door to a clean and organized fridge is the best feeling though!

I have to admit there is something so satisfying about cleaning out and organizing the fridge and it does make me feel like I have my life together. It also can be money-saving to have everything stored in the correct spots to extend the life of perishables as best as possible!

fridge before organizing

A disorganized fridge will definitely lead to food waste!

Above is my fridge before organizing. It honestly wasn’t too bad, but definitely needed some purging and organizing. I know we are more likely to not use fruits and veggies if I cannot see them and they get lost in the fridge. Having everything visible and grouped together helps cut down on waste and double buying foods.

woman pointing to clean fridge

Here are 6 real-life tips and strategies to help keep the fridge organized!

Keep in mind, my fridge is a very real-life work in progress instead of the perfect images we see on Pinterest of fridges with barely any food!

lifewit fridge bin with yogurt inside

I’ll also be sharing some advice from our team as well as some of my favorite fridge organization bins for storage!

1. Clean out expired or spoiled food and old leftovers often.

purging spoiled food from the fridge

Anytime you start with less, it’s easier to get organized! Do a deep fridge clean-out before grocery shopping on the weekend, and then also a couple of times throughout the week to keep on top of what’s going bad in the fridge.

2. Take items out of the original packaging to organize.

placing food in fridge organization containers

Removing bulky packaging will help you fit more in your fridge to maximize space. Investing in some clear fridge organizing bins is helpful to keep grab and go and like items together and organized. You’ll be able to see what you have quicker as well.

6 piece stackable fridge organization bins

These are the best fridge organization bins!

If you are looking for functional high-quality clear fridge organization bins, this 6-piece GREENCO set from Amazon.com is a great starter pack to get your fridge in shape!

I have been wanting clear organizers for a long time, and these do a great job of organizing. I love that they are deeper and stackable. It comes with an egg and drinks organizer, as well as 4 bins for around $40, which is a steal compared to buying individually.

woman holding fridge bins

I also have and love this set of Lifewit clear plastic containers also from Amazon.com. They are BPA-free and also useful in the pantry and bathroom for organizing around the home, not just the fridge!

3. Put perishables front and center.

yogurts and fruits front and center for snacking

I keep foods like grapes, strawberries, and tangerines upfront so they get eaten more often as a snack for my kids. Same thing with their yogurts. This way, when they go to the fridge after school it’s what they see first!

4. Store soft herbs in water like a bouquet.

storing herbs in a jar with water

I have tried various ways to store fresh herbs, and this method works great for me! I mostly keep fresh parsley and fresh cilantro on hand, and this is a great way to store them. Just change out the water every once in a while, and the bunches will stay fresh for a long time!

inside a fridge with clear bins

5. Don’t put milk in the door of the fridge!

While researching this topic, each article I read had different guidelines for which shelves in the fridge are meant to store certain items. However, conflicting theories made the advice confusing. Honestly, each fridge may be different, so maybe follow your manufacturer’s advice on that.

I did notice that every source agrees that only condiments should be stored on the doors as it’s the warmest part of the fridge. Milk and meat need to be stored safely near the bottom back of the fridge, and not on the doors. I added a fridge organization bin on the bottom shelf for meat to catch any drippings that may happen so it wouldn’t leak on my veggie crisper.

fruits and veggies not to store in the fridge

6. Be aware of certain things you don’t have to refrigerate to free up space.

This includes tomatoes, bananas, potatoes, onions, squash, whole garlic, and coffee to name a few! According to EatThis.com, most hot sauces and soy sauces don’t need to be refrigerated but check the back of the bottle just in case.

best fridge organization bins

My teammate Sara is great at staying organized and has this advice to share:

“Utilize your fridge shelving! For small items like yogurt cups, cans, etc. I always make sure they’re on shelves that have just enough room to store them so I maximize other areas of my fridge. Plus, you don’t need to be able to get to the back of said shelves since they’ll be holding all like items in a row and you really only need to grab what’s at the front”

Only put condiments in your fridge if they’re opened and you don’t have another one already in the fridge. This will limit double condiments being open at once and multiplying in your fridge. Only buy what you need for the week, it will be so much easier to stay organized!”

My teammate Angela had this favorite fridge organization tip to share:

“I have and love the same Lifewit clear fridge organization bins that Lina has! I am also a huge fan of the Rubbermaid Brilliance containers that pop up as deals often! They have airtight seal lids and do not leak at all. I love them for lunches, storing leftovers, and meal prep.”

Have any other fridge organization tips for us? Please share in the comments!

Let’s organize some kitchen drawers next!
