Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and this means that all kinds of activities are also underway; and for those of you that have children, coming up with fun Valentine’s Day crafts for kids can be a real challenge.
Valentine’s Day is the perfect chance for them to put their imagination to the test and create all manner of decorations, toys, cards, or they can even try their hand at some lightweight cooking (especially if we’re talking about sweets).
However, if you’re lacking inspiration this year but want to get them involved in this holiday that celebrates love and friendship, check out this in-depth guide where we will be listing 30 different Valentine’s Day crafts for kids.
Best Valentines Day Activities for Kids
Valentine’s Day is a holiday for loved ones. It is celebrated in many parts of the world, but in particular, it has roots that focus on showing love to your family and friends.
Kids can be great helpers when making Valentine’s Day cards or crafts! They are very enthusiastic about this holiday because they get to help with everything, the most popular being:
- Engaging in arts and crafts
- Helping out in the kitchen
All in all, as long as you remember to keep the activities simple and engage in ones that do not involve dangerous tools, like working with sharp objects or letting them use the oven unsupervised, everything should be ok.
How to Make Crafting Safer for Kids
As you’ll probably notice as you’ll be browsing through our article, almost all of our entries involve the use of supplies that can be harmful is mishandled, and this includes:
- Scissors for cutting materials
- Needles for threading
Because of this, we decided that it’s best that we showcase a few ways through which you can make sure that your child can stay safe while using these two tools without making the act of crafting feel any less fun:
You can use regular kitchen shears, which are easily accessible for kids to cut materials that go into their crafts.
Make sure to show them how to properly hold the scissors and where they should be cutting while keeping in mind that it’s best not to allow them anywhere near thread or string because they will inevitably get caught up in the blades.
For this tool, you should try getting one of those needle holders (which is basically a ruler with an opening towards its end). You can let your kid make markings on the ruler near the opening by using sticky notes.
This way, when they pick up their needle, there’s no chance for them to get hurt accidentally.
General Safety Tips
Being as their fingers will be much more sensitive than your own, try to teach them how to properly handle scissors and other sharp objects, this means not letting them use them if their hands are sweaty or dirty.
Teach them the importance of building a stable foundation before they cut anything out, this means having a firm grip on whatever they will be using these tools on.
Give them tasks that involve less delicate things, for example: gluing something together or sticking stickers where you want them.
Valentine’s Day Crafts for Kids
It’s hard to make a list of very fun and engaging crafts for children since they will be excited about pretty much anything that involves vivid colors or working with sweets.
When we made our list, we tried looking for entries that met these criteria:
- They allowed the kid’s imagination to thrive
- They were fun and engaging
- They were safe
After doing our research checking out social media and blogs to see what everyone was thinking of trying out this year, we ended up with a total of 30 entries.
Without further ado, here are some ideas to help you come up with some DIY Valentine’s Day crafts for kids that they will hopefully enjoy making and, at the very least, won’t fight about.
1. Valentine’s Day Crafts – Tassel Garland
Children love garlands and using them to decorate all around the house, so what better way to celebrate Valentine’s Day is to have them help you out in creating a DIY tassel garland?
To make this garland, you’ll need yarn in three different colors, some black and white baker’s twine and a 5×5″ piece of cardboard.
Together with these materials, you’ll need to work with very sharp scissors and a tapestry needle, and because of that, we recommend that you supervise your child so that they don’t prick or cut themselves by accident.
Crafting the tassel garland is pretty easy, and if you want to make it longer, you’ll just need to use more materials accordingly.
Once the garland is done, you can go ahead and hang it wherever you want, like on the walls, on the window curtains, or even above the fire mantel (if you have one).
Unlike typical paper or cardboard crafts you’re probably used to, this particular item is something that will last for several years if stored properly, so your kids will be able to admire their work year after year until they grow up.
All in all, your kids will enjoy crafting this, especially if you use different colored yarn to make the fuzzy tassels.
2. Valentine Crafts – Wooden Photo Frame
It’s important to teach children about the importance of respecting Mother Nature from a very young age, and one way to do so is to teach them how to craft objects using unprocessed supplies that they could easily find outside.
That being said, this Valentine’s Day, we recommend that you let your child help you make a wooden photo frame so that you can have the perfect frame to capture your most precious moments together.
To make this item, you’ll need a cardboard picture frame, some dry plants, some moss, some wood slices, rose, green, and white acrylic paint, a very thin paintbrush, a pencil, and a glue gun.
Given that certain supplies listed here are harder to work with for children, we advise that you take care of them yourself, such as getting hold of some wood slices or working with the glue gun.
Of course, you could always use some regular paste or a glue stick instead of a glue gun, just as long as you’re using a brand that will keep things together.
For a step-by-step tutorial on making the wooden photo frame, check out this detailed guide that we’ve created for you.
3. Valentine’s Day Crafts for Toddlers – Button Picture Frame
If you liked the previous entry, but think that working with twigs, dried plans, moss, and wooden slices is a bit too messy, then you should go ahead and try out this other great alternative: the button picture frame!
To make a photo frame similar to the one displayed above, you’ll need a regular photo frame, some buttons you no longer use, some acrylic paint (the choice is entirely up to you), a paintbrush, a pair of scissors, a glue gun, and some lace ribbon.
It’s more or less the same as the previous entry, but instead of twigs, plans, moss, and wooden slices, you’ll be using buttons, lots and lots of colorful buttons.
For the sake of aesthetics, we recommend that you use supplies that match in coloring, and since we’re talking about a Valentine’s Day craft, go ahead and use buttons, paint, and ribbons that of various shades of pink or red.
For some added sparkles, you can even mix up the buttons with some costume jewelry or some sparkling glitter.
Once the frame is finished, place a picture of you and your child inside it, and then hang it on a wall somewhere where you can see and admire it.
4. Kids Valentines Cards – Button Heart Wall Decor
You’d be surprised how many clothes you can buy, wear, and eventually throw away over the course of just a few years, and this also means a big waste of buttons that can be repurposed.
That being said, if you liked the previous idea with the buttons picture frame but are looking for something a little bit different, why not go ahead and try something similar to the button heart wall decor showcased in this in-depth guide.
As you can tell from the picture above, the list of necessary supplies is pretty straightforward, especially if you’re the crafty type and can tell what you need just by glancing over it for a few seconds.
That being said, you’ll need a wooden frame (whatever shape you like), buttons (lots of them), some linen fabric, a lace ribbon, a handful of artificial flowers, some wood glaze, a paintbrush, a pencil, a pair of sharp scissors (children beware), and a glue gun.
As far as tweaking the original design goes, you can go ahead and try making other shapes using buttons if the heart seems too generic for you, and you can even try mixing the colors of the button to form intricate patterns.
You can add other decorative elements into the mix to spice things up, such as a pair of googly eyes, some silk flowers, or maybe even some small pictures of your and your family.
5. Valentine Crafts for Toddlers – Mason Jar Candle Holder
Give a child some colored paper or cardboard, some glue, and a pair of scissors to cut it with, and you have the recipe for the perfect child-friendly activity, and that’s one of the core elements of our next entry: the mason jar candle holder.
Making this candle holder is incredibly easy, and the list of supplies includes items you probably already have around the house, especially since you have kids.
These include an empty jar, white vellum, some red and pink-colored paper, a pair of sharp scissors, a pencil, white liquid glue, some red ribbon, and a brush.
Making this candle holder is pretty simple since it involves painting it and decorating it with ribbons and colored paper hearts. Still, your child can go ahead and cut out other decorative elements as well, like stars or clouds.
Another great thing about this particular idea is that it’s very versatile in terms of when you can do it. For example, with some minor adjustments, you can turn it into a Christmas or a Halloween activity as well, as both holidays traditionally involve using lanterns of some sort.
Besides, all you’d have to do is switch up the color of the paper and cut out other shapes instead of hearts, such as pumpkins out of orange paper or Christmas trees out of green paper.
6. Valentines Day for Kids – Valentine’s Day Creature
If you are interested in a project that works even more with colored paper and cardboard, then you’ll love this entry since it’s a Valentine’s Day craft that perfectly resembles a toy.
This DIY paper Valentine’s Day creature looks funny, and it’s made using materials that are 100% safe for children; these include red paper or cardboard, a hole punch, some red yarn, a pair of googly eyes, a pair of scissors, a glue stick, and some pink pipe cleaner.
As you can probably tell from the pictures, your kid will have a blast making these little papercraft monsters, and the chances are that once they create their very first one, they’ll want to create another and another.
The best thing about this idea is that there’s an actual design that you need to follow, and your little one is free to make the creature look in whatever way they want.
Besides, they can even tweak the design by using colors other than just red or pink or make the monster even more freakish by adding more googly eyes or by using just one googly eye if he wants to make a cyclops.
The only problem with this craft is that cardboard can be pretty fragile, and since your kid will probably be playing with it day after day, it’ll probably end up breaking or getting torn to pieces in less than a week.
7. Preschool Valentine Crafts – Pom-Pom Monsters
If your kids loved making the Valentine’s Day Creature described above, and you’re looking to expand their skillset with other similar projects, go ahead and follow this guide for Valentine’s Day pom-pom monsters.
As you can probably tell from the picture above, there’s nothing monstrous above the final results, and your kids will have a blast learning how to create their very own toys.
To make a single one of these cuddly critters, you’ll need a red pipe cleaner, some pink yarn, red felt, a pair of googly eyes (the bigger, the better), some hot glue—a pair of sharp scissors, and a pencil.
As far as the supplies are concerned, the ones listed above are what you would need to make a monster similar to the one depicted above, but you can go ahead and switch up the colors of the pipe cleaner, felt, or yarn.
However, we recommend that you stick to colors like red, pink, white, and peach so that it will feel like something made on Valentine’s Day.
The basic principle of making these toys is pretty simple; just like with a lot of other projects already listed, you can tweak them up so that they can be done during other holidays as well.
For example, you can use green and red to make Christmas pom-pom monsters or black and orange to make fuzzy Halloween pumpkin monsters.
All in all, both you and the kids will have a blast designing these, and the fun will continue well after Valentine’s Da since they now have a brand new toy to play with that they created themselves.
8. Valentine’s Day Crafts for Preschoolers – Ribbon Hearts
If you’re looking for something incredibly easy to make, takes very little time, and requires only four supplies (all of which you probably already have around the house), then look no further than these Valentine’s Day ribbon hearts.
To make just a single one of these lovely fabric hearts, you’ll need these four items:
- A glue stick
- Scissors
- Paper
- Red ribbon
As for how you can take these four simple elements and make this fantastic Valentine’s Day decoration, check out this detailed tutorial.
However, before you get started on making these ribbon hearts, here are a couple of tips that we think you should follow if you want the best results:
- Look for a ribbon that doesn’t get folding marks too easily.
- Look for an extra thick ribbon so that the heart can maintain its shape during handling.
- The color of the ribbon can also be any shade of red or pink, or you can mix several of these colors into a single ribbon heart, just like we did in the tutorial above.
Making a single one of these hearts takes about 3 minutes tops, and that only goes down as you make more and more of them, so it’s the perfect type of craft that you and your children can try making if you want something to decorate fill the entire house with.
Speaking of decorations, you can hang these hearts on all kinds of surfaces, such as sticking them to walls, drapes, or even stringing them up as garlands along the house’s hallways.
9. Easy Valentine Crafts – Tissue Paper Puffy Heart
Small children simply love crafts that are fuzzy or puffy, and that’s precisely why we decided to include this fantastic idea for a puffy heart made out of tissue paper.
To make one of these fuzzy decor ideas, you’ll need two colors of tissue paper, a bit of cardboard to make the heart frame, a pencil, a pair of scissors, a glue gun together with some glue sticks, a silk ribbon, and a lace paper doily.
Sure enough, the one in the picture above looks more like a wreath than a heart, but you can make sure that the shape is easier to tell apart by using a larger cardboard frame or making the heart less puffy (although that would defeat the project).
Speaking of which, another thing you could try is using a wooden frame or a wireframe instead of cardboard and replacing the tissue paper with some silky fabric.
That way, you can create a Valentine’s Day-themed heart-shaped wreath and hang it outside your door that will be able to resist the outside elements (especially since Valentine’s Day is in the middle of February)
It looks amazing, it’s something that you can hang on both walls and doors, and it’s also easy to make and fun to touch, so it’s pretty much perfect as a child-friendly craft.
More Amazing Valentines Day Ideas for Kids
Some Valentine’s Day crafts are more popular than others, and the nine mentioned so far are the most popular ones we could find when writing this article.
However, that doesn’t mean that those are the only ideas that you should try out since there are tons of other crafts that you can try out.
That being said, if you’re not interested in trying out what’s trendy and just want to have some fun with your little ones, check out these other 21 entries:
10. Candy-Cane Heart Pops Valentine Craft for Kids
The Idea Room shows us how to take candy-canes and turn them into lollipop with and for the kiddos of the house. They’ll love making them, enjoying them and passing them out to friends and family.
11. Suncatcher Valentine’s Day Craft for Kids
These suncatchers are such a classic craft for the kids to make. And Makobi Scribe shows us how to make them to coincide with the loveliest holiday of them all!
12. Heart Garland Valentine Craft for Toddlers
This one is an easy project to dive into, the kids will have fun and you can dress the house a bit when it’s finished. How About Orange gives us the scoop.
13. Paper Hug Valentine’s Day Crafts for Toddlers
No Time For Flash Cards has such an easy and sweet idea for little ones to get involved with. They can make a paper hug and pass it around to anyone who they want!
14. Valentine’s Day Dog – Preschool Valentine Crafts
Isn’t this little puppy dog absolutely adorable? The kiddos will love making some of their own and personalizing them for the family. Thanks for the idea Crafty Morning!
15. Glitter Heart – DIY Valentine Craft
If you have a little one that loves glitter – or maybe you’re just an uber fan – grab the ingredients to have these made in the kitchen just in time for the holiday! ( via Make Life Lovely)
16. Love Tokens – Valentine Crafts for Kids
Small For Big has one of the more unique ideas in the bunch with these clay heart “love tokens,” that the kids can make and then pass around to all they love. How sweet!
17. Candy Pops – Valentines Day for Kids
Here’s another edible DIY that children will go wild over – in both indulging and creating. The Decorated Cookie has all the details on how to make these cuties.
18. Heart Stampin’ Valentine’s Crafts for Preschoolers
Turn a toilet paper roll into a heart stamp and then have the kids go crazy with their artwork. Frame it afterwards, send in an envelope, whatever the way the receiver will love the creativity! (via Blog a la cart)
19. Geo Hearts Valentine’s Day Crafts for Kids
Go with something a bit outside-the-box and have your kiddos get involved with some geo prints! Cut out the shapes and then let them get creative with this idea from Small for Big.
20. Valentine’s Day Crafts for Kids – Hugging Animals
Grab some candy and some construction paper and help your little ones create these Valentine’s Day huggers that are just too adorable not to love! Thanks for the idea Lia Griffith!
21. Newspaper Hearts – Valentine’s Crafts for Kids
Upcycle some newspaper by using them to create these newspaper hearts from You Are My Fave. The little ones will love getting creative with the colors and diving into some paint too!
22. Bark Bites – Easy Valentine’s Day Crafts for Kids
Get the children to come play with you in the kitchen for a bit while you make these candy bark bites filled with V-day festivity. Grab the details at No. 2 Pencil.
23. Glitter Globe Valentines Craft for Kids
Real Simple made these absolutely beautiful and crafty glitter globes that the kids will love making but so will you! Decorate nooks and crannies with some Valentine’s Day style!
24. Pom-Pom Monsters – Valentine’s Crafts for Kids
Crafts Unleashed is where you’ll find the instructions for making these pom-pom monsters dressed in cupid-inspired style. It’s hard not to find these one of the most adorable ideas on the list!
25. Cupid’s Arrow – Easy Valentine’s Day Crafts for Kids shows us how to take twigs from the backyard and a bit of felt to make some little arrows inspired by … Cupid of course! These would be great as a means to pass around Valentines, don’t you think?
26. Stained-Glass – Valentine’s Day Crafts for Toddlers
Check out Happy Hooligans if you’re interested in created a stained-glass window effect with the kids. Of course, you can make these pieces in any shapes you like … but for Valentine’s Day – hearts are perfect!
27. Soft, Sugar-Cookies – Crafts for Kids on Valentine’s
Sally’s Baking Addiction will teach you and the kids how to get together in the kitchen and whip up a batch of these beautiful and delicious, soft sugar cookies that you can pass around to show your love on the holiday.
28. Paper Ladybug – Valentine’s Day Crafts for Preschoolers
Crafty Morning gives us another adorable and charming paper craft for the kids to get creative with. Check it out after the jump and then go grab your supplies for an afternoon of fun!
29. Heart Wreath – Easy Valentine Crafts
This is a DIY that you and the kiddos can do together. Pick out your papers and check out The Hybrid Chick to learn how to make this fun and festive Vday-inspired heart wreath!
30. Handprint Valentine – Valentine Ideas for Kids
The Idea Room also has this great idea that all parents will love and adore. Gather the children around, in your own home or in your classroom, and have them make these handprint valentines!
Valentine Day Ideas for Kids: Closing Thoughts
Our list has finally come to an end, but we hope that we’ve given you more than enough ideas as to what you and your kids will do to prepare for Valentine’s Day.
Keep in mind that you must teach your children about the importance of love and friendship at an early age, and these activities will be a great way of doing just that.
Besides, you can turn this into a regular holiday tradition and apply it throughout the entire year, not just on Valentine’s Day, like Thanksgiving, Halloween, or Christmas.
If you have more ideas that you think should deserve a place on our list, go ahead and leave us your entries in the comments section below, and we’ll update our articles accordingly in no time at all!
Happy crafting, and happy Valentine’s Day!
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