The weather is getting better and better, so if you have your own garden there are plenty of ways you can make use of it to entertain your children. Below we have collected a bunch of ideas how you can spend your time together there. Having fun or just getting the place ready to do it!
#1 Painting stones
I’m sure there are plenty of stones and peebles In your garden. If by any chance they are not there, you can collect some walking in the park or somewhere in the country. Acrylic paint is best as it perfectly covers the coarse surface of the stones.
Just a few inspirations:
Outdoor activity ideas: stepping on stones
Obstacle run (or walk) is a great idea. Last but not least, it is a matter of common knowledge that walking barefoot on stones (preferably hot!) stimulates our receptors and purifies our bodies.
Stone vegetables
If you have no time to grow real vegetables, why don’t you just paint some of them on the stones!
Stones can be joined using hot glue and then painted.
It’s not just single stones you can use. You can also make some mini-monsters, in much the same way as we use chestnuts. All you need is hot glue.
Stone cacti
If flowers are too difficult for you , why don’t you go for cacti?
Stick some eyes onto the pebbles
You can paint the stones or you can use a variety of stickers.
Paint five stones the same color and enjoy a game of tic-tac-toe and crosses!
#2 A playground for the youngest
To cater for the needs of the smallest, you can make some wooden boxes where they can grow their own vegetables and flowers. There are lots of options for the kids in the garden!
A wooden sandpit with side flower boxes
Decorating the garden chest
Sometimes all you need is some space next to the fence you can separate with a few boards. Then pour in some soil and that’s it. Leave the decoration for the kids.
#3 Roads and streets
If you are open to sacrifice some of your lawn, you can create some roads and streets for your kids’ toy cars.
Roads of paving blocks
If you have some paving blocks left, you can use them to make some really solid toy roads
#4 Seeding
How about buying some seeds and sowing them together with children in, for example, egg cartons. To make the plants grow faster, you can create the greenhouse environment by wrapping the carton with foil. You’d better not leave it outside for the night.
#5 Planting potatoes
Plant potatoes in a sack! Let your kids see how the vegetable actually grows.
#6 Grow some fresh vegetables using leftovers
Don’t throw away vegetable leftovers. Some of them will grow shoots when immersed in water and soon you can have new vegetables. You need to save especially the ends, normally cut off and thrown away.
This is how you can grow carrots, parsley, beetroots, celery, fennel, cabbage, onion, leech, spring onion and lettuce
Once you notice the plant has new roots, plant them in soil.
#7 Outdoor activities – garden bowling
If you have some old paint tins, you can arrange them in a kind of pyramid to knock it all down with a small ball. A very easy yet really entertaining idea.
#8 Walking tins
You can also use such tins to turn them into platform shoes and try to walk wearing them. This is a really interesting alternative for stilts.
#9 Flower beds
In April we may begin to plant pansies. Have you got any interesting compositions to share?
It’s not a big problem if there is no space on the ground. You can use some old pots or… children’s rubber boots
#10 Towers, steeples and other decorations made of old pots
In fact, there are plenty of garden decoration you can make from old pots, for instance miniature lighthouses.
You can also make some figures
#11 Other ideas that can be recorded on the list of outdoor activities
Tins could be used in so many ways. For example to practice your aiming accuracy.
Of course we can’t forget about the soap bubbles, especially the gigantic ones!
Don’t let the ball drop!
Have you got any other ideas how kids can be kept busy outside?
The post 11 Creative Games and Activities You Can Arrange For Your Kids in the Garden appeared first on Handimania.